Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Return from Hiatus

Hey Folks. So I have been on hiatus, not self-imposed I assure you. Our internet use is closely monitored here at our school. We are only allow to use so many MB per month. Last month, we overused our internet so much so that we also tapped into our allottment for the month of October. This means that we were without internet for a few days. It is frustrating, trust me- as the internet is literally my only connection to you, my beloved family and friends in the U.S.

I am currently working on getting internet at my home, which has become like a part-time job. HA! Fortunately, I asked my friend's husband and he is currently helping me. I really and truly hope to post a real blog some day soon =)

For now, I will give you a abbreviated version. This week, Russia celebrated "Teacher's Day". My fabulous students decorated the board for me in class. It was super cute. I was running into class just 5 minutes before the lesson that I didn't even notice the board, HA!

1 comment:

Stufsocker said...

I was wondering what happened to you... It a sad internet without my little Erinitchka.

You should take a picture of your class from your desk. I'd like to see that. :)
